Attack on Starbucks – Nakba Day, so-called Eugene

15 May 2024 – Kalapuya land, so-called eugene.

Before dawn, an autonomous group smashed the windows of a local starbucks, leaving only “Free Gaza” and “Land Back” written in paint. This action was taken to bring awareness to the genocide taking place in Gaza and to interrupt business-as-usual. This act of vengeance was carried out on May 15th, Nakba Day, a day recognizing the ongoing genocide and forced displacement of Palestinians.

Starbucks has repeatedly shown its hostility towards Palestinian liberation, and did so most recently when it sued its workers’ union for posting a statement in support of Palestine on social media. The economy of eugene is complicit in the genocide happening in Gaza; the university and multi-national corporations profit off imperialism while making the city unaffordable for the majority of people there. While starbucks isn’t playing a central role in the genocide the israeli miliary is waging, starbucks is symbolic of an amerikkkan psyche and economy that feeds off imperialism. The chain is a tell tale sign of gentrification and a staple of the white middle and upper middle class. We won’t stand aside and let the amerikkkan economy continue unabated when it’s a system founded on and actively fueling colonialism and genocide.

This was done by a group of autonomous antifascists who echo the words of the anti-zionists that shut down the “Friends of the IDF” gala:

We have no name. We are not an organization. We are not an entity. Do not try to find us. We are everywhere and we will not stop.

Palestine will be free.

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