The Resistance is the Red line

8 June 2024Via DMV Intifada

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Assalamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,

On June 8th 2024, the liberal and reformist organizations planned yet another rally, with speakers on stages, and a symbolic human “red line” around the White House. Thousands of dollars were raised and spent, money that could have gone to Gaza. This was yet another publicity stunt that posed no threat to the Zionist entity or the US empire, while falsely claiming to do so.

We decided to take action as autonomous Palestinians, Muslims, and accomplices who believe in upholding the Thawabet (Palestinian Red lines of struggle). Our goal for this action was to show our support for the Muqawama (Resistance) and to emphasize that the Resistance is the Red line of the Palestinian Liberation struggle.

The banner we carried quoted “Jihad of Victory or Martyrdom” from Al Qassam Brigades. This was inspired by the phrase Abu Obaida ends every communique from Al Qassam with:

وإنه لجهاد نصر أو استشهاد

And indeed, it is jihad of victory or martyrdom

We chanted explicitly pro-Resistance chants as we marched towards the White House, while carrying the banner.

The de-arrest

Shortly after we arrived, the pigs tried to arrest someone. Many principled comrades immediately ran to de-arrest the victim of state violence. The people successfully de-arrested the comrade. During the de-arrest, several comrades were pepper sprayed by the pigs. Medics and other comrades gave medical attention to the brave comrades who put their bodies on the line. The de-arrest was a beautiful and powerful example of putting the phrase “we keep us safe” we so often hear, into actual practice.

The burning of the flags

After that, we proceeded to move to the front of the White House to burn multiple flags of both the Zionist entity and the US settler colony.

We chanted and reminded people that the actual Red line is the Palestinian Resistance.

“Al Qassam make us proud
Kill another soldier now

Hezbollah make us proud
Burn another settlement down

Who is the Red line?
The Resistance is the Red line”

Who is the Red line?
The Lion’s Den is the Red line

Who is the Red line?
Abu Obaida is the Red line

Who is the Red line?
PFLP is the Red line

Who is the Red line?
Al Qassam is the Red line

Who is the Red line?
The Resistance is the Red line”

We also chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”, because not until both settler colonies die will Palestine, the Global South as well as Black and Indigenous communities here be free.


The so-called “left” media that raised $4,930 to cover this event chose to bury our explicitly pro-Resistance actions and message. The shunning and silencing of explicit support for Palestinian Resistance groups is not limited to the Western so-called “anti-imperialist” left. Ramallah based writer and lecturer Abdaljawad Omar wrote the following in his May 2024 article called “The question of Hamas and the Left”:

Among them are many on the Palestinian “left” who use their ideological differences and the Islamist-secular divide as a cover for their rejection of “resistance” altogether. As Bassel Al-Araj said, if the left in Palestine wants to compete with Islamists, they should compete in resistance. Muzawada through action…

… Many among the secular left have grown pale, rejecting Hamas’s resistance not out of a conviction of its inevitable failure, but rather due to a deep-seated anxiety about its potential success.

Meanwhile, the Zionists and far right perceived us as enough of a threat to have a meltdown1 about our pro-Resistance banner and chants all over social media and Zionist propaganda outlets.

Why is it that the toothless, liberal, performative human “red line” around the white house that cost thousands of dollars did not trigger the Zionists and the far-right, whereas our small group with our pro-Resistance messages did? None of this should be a surprise. Analysis and critiques calling out these dynamics of controlled opposition have been emerging and should be reflected upon if we are serious about liberation:

Is begging politicians and performing civil disobedience the horizon of our politics? Are these events organized to aid the Palestinian resistance, or to simply aid our own conscience? Have we retreated so far since the fires of 2020?

The counter-insugency infecting the left continues to march our communities in controlled circles while undermining any attempts at escalation. From staging fake encampments to fake shutdowns, these orgs have made a mockery of our liberation struggles. In fact, another fake encampment was set up at the Ellipse after the “People’s Court” was over. After 9 months of this circus show, it is abundantly clear these orgs are not capable of leading us to liberation in any meaningful tangible way.

Our collective rebellion

We take hope in the youth who also came masked up, ready to defend the encampment, only to leave disappointed. We take hope in the comrades who wrote “DEATH TO AMERIKKKA”, “FREE GAZA” and “Kill Pigs” on the monuments in front of the White House. We take hope in the ones who also burned a US flag while others held a bloody Biden mask.

Monuments outside the White House getting the proper treatment

To the youth we say, continue learning and sharing about the Thawabet and the Resistance. Show up with pro-Resistance banners and make your own pro-Resistance chants. Do NOT feel obligated to listen to the 3 letter orgs and NGOs. Do not let the Marshalls and peace police stop you and take measures to protect yourselves from them as you would the pigs and Zionists. Do not join orgs that have been around for decades and have not achieved a single tangible thing to liberate us. Instead, form Affinity Groups, practice good security culture and organize Autonomous Actions.

The end of “outside agitator” tropes

As usual, there is subset of people in our communities who accuse those of us who go beyond “peaceful”, reformist, bullshit parades and rallies, as being “funded by Zionists”. The desire to still appeal to optics and respectability politics after 9 months of this genocide confirms only one thing to us – these members of our community are more interested in preserving their class status within US empire than putting any of their comforts or privileges on the line for Palestine. To them we say, get out of the way.

Our Dua for Palestine

We end with the following Dua for Palestine 🤲

رَبَّنَآ أَفْرِغْ عَلَيْهِم صَبْراً وَثَبِّتْ أَقْدَامَهُم وَٱنصُرْهُم عَلَى ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلْكَـٰفِرِينَ

Our Lord! Shower them with perseverance, make their steps firm, and give them victory over the disbelieving people.

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