First Day of Classes Disrupted at KKKolumbia University

3 September 2024Via Unity of Fields Twitter and Telegram

The first day of classes at Columbia University are drenched in blood. Protests are continuing against the school’s financial support for the zionist entity & repression of anti-zionist voices amid genocide. These photos show the Alma Mater statue at the library covered in paint.

Here are the demands of the actionists:

1. This action is the first of many. We will not stop until the university fully divests from all forms of settler-colonial violence

2. Divestment is not an incrementalist goal. True divestment necessitates nothing short of the total collapse of the university structure and American empire itself. It is not possible for imperial spoils to remain so heavily concentrated in the metropole and its high-cultural repositories without the continuous suppression of all populations that resist the empire’s expansion; to divest from this is to undermine and eradicate America as we know it

3. We refuse to allow Columbia to return to a state of ‘normalcy’. ‘Normalcy’ is the structurally impelled displacement and eventual destruction of the Palestinian people

4. We act in full support of the Palestinian resistance. This action is first and foremost an effort to extend the successes of the Palestinian resistance to the heart of the empire itself, to translate their resilience in Gaza to unrest and violence in America.