Fierce Resistance to Police in Richmond, VA

13 September 2024 – Police cruiser windows broken, fireworks thrown at police, and barricades dragged into the street and burned by anti-imperialist protestors as they march near the Virginia Israel Advisory Board. We received this press release:



Richmond Protest Escalates

March Turns Into Clash with Police

Richmond, VA – September 13, 2024 – Today, a rally organized by the United Anti-Apartheid Movement transformed into a heated march. Demonstrators faced a heavy police presence, resulting in at least one arrest, vandalized police cruisers, and direct clashes with law enforcement. The rally escalated as protesters, fueled by anger over the Virginia Israel Advisory Board (VIAB) and its ties to US-backed Israeli war crimes in both Gaza and the West Bank, took to the streets. Tensions soared when police swarmed the demonstrators without provocation. In turn, demonstrators blocked the streets; threw fireworks and projectiles at police officers behind the march, in order to defend one another from the surprise attack by law enforcement. Seth Jackson, spokesperson for the United Anti-Apartheid Movement, explained the motivations behind the protest: “The Virginia Israel Advisory Board represents imperialism. In this genocidal moment, we reject incremental approaches. Marching and speaking out are not enough. We have taken responsibility for our future, and we will not stop until VIAB leaves Richmond and Virginia.” Jackson highlighted the broader context: “We are responding to a call for global solidarity with the Palestinian people and their legally authorized resistance to colonial occupation. We oppose the expanding genocide authorized by the White House and executed by the US-funded zionist occupation of Palestine. We are workers, students, community members, and native Richmonders united in stopping these massacres by any means necessary.” The Virginia Isreal Advisory Board is an Isreali business promotion entity embedded within the Virginia state governemt & funded by the state’s taxpayers. VIAB promotoes Isreali military & police technology businesses in Virginia, who make Heron TP drones to murder people in Gaza & Zibar tactical utility vehicles for patrolling the Eygptian border. Protestors argue, VIAB is a financial artery for the military-industrial complex that supports ongoing violence against Palestinian civilians. Jackson emphasized the protest’s ultimate goal: “We believe that only a revolutionary transformation of our world and society can achieve our goals. We strive for a world of peace, dignity, self-determination, and equality. That will and always has required us to rise up.” “We hope today’s actions inspire others to escalate their resistance,” Jackson added. “This is a crucial moment, and we are committed to continuing our fight for justice.  It does not surprise us that Richmond residents would take this kind of bold action just after community members in nearby Washington DC courageously stood up following the racist murder of Justin Robinson by law enforcement. From Palestine to the USA, racism, colonialism, and authoritarianism must be toppled!” For more information or media inquiries, please contact: Seth Jackson – United Anti-Apartheid Movement [804.528.6888]