Two, three, many Al-Aqsa Floods! 

7 October 2024 – A Unity of Fields Statement

A year ago, the Palestinian resistance forces launched the heroic Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, breaking out of the Gaza concentration camp and breaking open the gates to a new world. From hang-gliders, rocket launchers, and tunnels, Gaza has rewritten the rules of guerrilla warfare, exposed the zionist entity and the US empire as paper tigers, and reasserted the global anti-imperialist revolution. The Al-Aqsa Flood put the questions of armed struggle and national liberation back on the table. 

Unable to defeat the resistance forces in Palestine or Lebanon, the zionist entity has aimed at destroying their popular cradle, the resistance’s mass base of support and regeneration, by massacring, torturing, and starving millions of Palestinians. What is happening in Gaza must be understood as a genocide, but also as a war of national liberation waged by the Palestinian people and the broader Axis of Resistance against the US-NATO-zionist imperialist bloc. This declining empire is now expanding the Gaza doctrine to Lebanon and provoking a regional war, which it will certainly lose.

A year into this intensified stage of the 75-year genocide, what does the world who promised to stand with Palestine have to show? Nothing has stopped the genocide yet, but the Axis of Resistance’s armed actions have done more to deter the zionist entity than any UN resolutions, international law proceedings, or “peaceful” protest movements. One thing is clear: it is not enough for us to “have solidarity.” It is not enough for us to “bear witness.” It is not enough for us to hold teach-ins, vigils, and permitted parades week after week.

When we chant, “Resistance is justified when people are occupied,” do not let that be an abstraction. The so-called United States is occupied land and resistance is justified here too; not only justified, but necessary and irresistible. If victory over the US Empire and its zionist proxy is possible, it will be because struggles against them have erupted all over the world — Bring the war home!

Two, three, many Al-Aqsa Floods!​​​​​​​

[1] Submit your actions to

[2] We recommend reading the memorandum published by Hamas, the vanguard of the Palestinian resistance: “This is our Narrative.. why the Al-Aqsa Flood.”