18 October 2024 – On 17 October 2024, US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) published a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland urging him to “open a domestic terrorism investigation into Unity of Fields and utilize all resources available to hold this group accountable under the law,” citing Unity of Fields’ “belief that the ‘revolution will come within our lifetimes’ as they ‘will make sure of it,’” and our reading list of “revolutionary material” including Mao, Basel Al-Araj, and the US Army Counterinsurgency Manual.

Unity of Fields is an anti-imperialist propaganda front — a media project that shares reporting and analysis on actions taken in resistance to the murderous ruling class of the United States, and the repression faced by those who resist. Unity of Fields is not Palestine Action US or any sort of direct action group — we don’t do actions, we only report on them and receive anonymous submissions. 

Rubio is a mere mouthpiece for the ruling class, and this ventriloquist act of using politicians as dummies to relay threats is but one way the ruling class works to intimidate people of conscience into silence. It is an attack that exposes the lie of their vaunted “Freedom of Speech,” an explicit threat against journalism, speech, and ideas.

Unity of Fields has existed for less than 2 months, and clearly, the attack we are already facing is a testament to the power of our propaganda and the fear it strikes in the hearts of the imperialist ruling class. They are cowards dripping in blood with lies pouring from their mouths, and we will not let them silence us. Their desperate and baseless accusations betray valuable information about what they fear most: a unified front of resistance against the US-zionist death machine, and the censorship-resistant propagation of these ideas.

This week alone, we saw the fascist counterinsurgency’s phony “terrorist” designation of the Samidoun Palestinian Political Prisoner Solidarity Network, more raids and detainments of anti-zionist journalists, and the martyrdom of Palestinian resistance leader Yahya Sinwar. Now it is more important than ever that the anti-imperialist movement refuses to back down from pro-resistance speech and vocal solidarity with those facing the brunt of state repression. 

The scum of nations and pigs of the earth cannot arrest or censor an idea whose time has come.

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