Sharp metal objects placed under Brooklyn NYPD SRG’s personal vehicles

29 July 2024 – Anonymous submission:

Communiqué – Sharp metal objects placed under Brooklyn NYPD SRG’s personal vehicles

Late July 24, we entered the parking area of NYPD’s Strategic Response Group in Brooklyn and put sharp metal objects under multiple pigs’ personal vehciels. Any of those pigs getting off work would have been met with the unpleasant surprise of punctured tires as they started for home.

This happened on the same day the NYPD sent 200 outside agitators to DC to protect genocidal war criminal Netanyahu and the U.S. imperialist mission.

Maybe cops shouldn’t feel safe enough in our city to spread their violence elsewhere. Why does the NYPD even have offices from Tucson, Arizona to Bogota, Colombia?

The SRG is the unit notorious for violently repressing protestors. These pigs sign up voluntarily to be SRG to crack skulls. This is payback for their brutality against Palestine protestors and student encampments.

We targeted their personal vehicles because it is time they faced a personal cost for their actions. These pigs walk among us, feeling safe and complacent. It’s on us to teach them they aren’t.

The Legal Aid Society stated NYC paid out $114,586,723 million for police misconduct in 2023. These lawsuits for pig brutality don’t come out of their pockets. And the NYPD has so much money they are spending $1390 per patrol car just to replace a slogan decal.

We must chip away at empire in every small way. Avenge the Palestinian martyrs. Avenge Sonya Massey. Fuck the police.

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