Michigan Actionists Target Rolls-Royce and MTU America

30 June 2024 – Anonymous submission: On June 30, an autonomous group targeted the world’s 25th largest weapons manufacturer, Rolls-Royce and MTU America, headquartered in Novi, MI. 

MTU developed the MT883 engine, which powers israel’s main battle tanks, and is the only major component of the Merkava tank that is made outside of israel. israel used this tank extensively in its 2006 invasion of Lebanon and its 2012, 2014, 2021, and 2023-2024 assaults on Gaza, including the attack on the Al-Shifa Hospital. These engines are also used for the Zionist entity’s navy, powering around 80% of its boats.

The tanks and boats used to destroy refugee camps, demolish homes and hospitals, and maintain the suffocating blockade on Gaza can only function with american manufacturing, labor, and financial support. As beneficiaries of this imperial system, our duty to Palestine is to damage, disrupt, and destroy the colonizers’ operations by any means necessary. 

We call on revolutionaries across the world to take decisive, escalatory action to halt the war machine, from Cop City, to Weapons Corridor, to Silicon Valley. 

Glory to our martyrs, power to our freedom fighters! Long live the Intifada!

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